Announcing Island!

Island is our new trading system that will change the world. Combining the best features of SelectNet & Instinet, Island has already taken the marketplace by storm.
Sounds great, but will it work?
It already does, you just don't know it. Right now more than half of all orders on SelectNet are, in fact, not SelectNet orders at all. They are actually just the eerie shadows of Island orders. Currently, about 70,000 orders per day are entered into Island. Wow. Can you afford not to be on Island?

If my order gets executed on SelectNet it costs you $2.50 but you only charge me $1.00. Are you dumb or just stupid?

Come on, what gives?
Here's how it works. We already have more than half of all SelectNet orders on our book. Chances are your order will match on Island and we get to keep your buck. If, every once and a while, your order gets hit on SelectNet and I lose $1.50, that's ok. The way I see it, for an occasional $1.50 I know that you will never have to choose what system to enter your orders on, you'll just always use Island.

What if I don't have any computer guys to set up my Island terminal?
We can help. We can even lend you a computer to try Island out for a few days risk free. If you don't like it, just send it back and you owe nothing. If you do like it, keep it and you will be billed monthly for the trades you execute. Cancel at anytime. Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed. All you need to get started is a phone line and the will to change your life. You have to take the first step. Won't you join us at Island?

How have I lived all this time without Island?
Don't be so hard on yourself. We only invented Island a couple of months ago. Then there were all those SEC filings to be made, hammering out the reporting rules with the NASD, and, of course, picking the official Island spokesmodel.

How do I get my Island?
Just send E-Mail to Josh@Josh.Com telling me your MMID symbol and your phone number. Your E-Mail must contain the text "ISLAND IS GONNA MAKE ME RICH!" and must be heartfelt or I may not respond.


As a special bonus to those reading this web page now, I am offering the full source code to the Island client front end at no additional charge. That's right, now you can see just how it all works. Maybe you're just curious, or maybe you want to jumpstart your own development efforts. It's all here, and it's all yours. View it, print it, show it to your friends, even make changes to give your firm that special edge! This is a limited offer that may be withdrawn at any time. You must act now to receive your free bonus, don't miss out!

Click Here to Read The Island API...

Click Here to Read The IClient Guide...