Group, Element |
Tag Description |
VR |
Length |
Value |
0002,0000 |
Group Length |
UL |
4 |
138 |
0002,0001 |
File Meta Information Version |
OB |
2 |
0 |
0002,0002 |
Media Storage SOP Class UID |
UI |
26 |
1.2.840.10008. |
0002,0010 |
Transfer Syntax UID |
UI |
18 |
1.2.840.10008.1.2 |
0002,0012 |
Implementation Class UID |
UI |
16 |
1.2.804.114118.3 |
0002,0013 |
Implementation Version Name |
SH |
6 |
eFilm |
0002,0016 |
Source Application Entity Title |
AE |
18 |
0008,0000 |
Group Length |
UL |
4 |
400 |
0008,0008 |
Image Type |
CS |
22 |
0008,0012 |
Instance Creation Date |
DA |
8 |
20021017 |
0008,0013 |
Instance Creation Time |
TM |
6 |
160902 |
0008,0014 |
Instance Creator UID |
UI |
0 |
0008,0016 |
SOP Class UID |
UI |
26 |
1.2.840.10008. |
0008,0020 |
Study Date |
DA |
8 |
20021017 |
0008,0021 |
Series Date |
DA |
8 |
20021017 |
0008,0022 |
Acquisition Date |
DA |
8 |
20021017 |
0008,0023 |
Image Date |
DA |
8 |
20021017 |
0008,0030 |
Study Time |
TM |
6 |
160539 |
0008,0031 |
Series Time |
TM |
6 |
160832 |
0008,0032 |
Acquisition Time |
TM |
6 |
160843 |
0008,0050 |
Accession Number |
SH |
0 |
0008,0060 |
Modality |
CS |
2 |
CT |
0008,0070 |
Manufacturer |
LO |
18 |
0008,0080 |
Institution Name |
LO |
12 |
0008,0090 |
Referring Physician's Name |
PN |
0 |
0008,1010 |
Station Name |
SH |
8 |
CT53_OC0 |
0008,1030 |
Study Description |
LO |
12 |
9273LENY2744 |
0008,103E |
Series Description |
LO |
8 |
0008,1040 |
Institutional Department Name |
LO |
0 |
0008,1050 |
Performing Physician's Name |
PN |
0 |
0008,1060 |
Name of Physician(s) Reading Study |
PN |
0 |
0008,1070 |
Operators' Name |
PN |
4 |
0008,1080 |
Admitting Diagnoses Description |
LO |
0 |
0008,1090 |
Manufacturer's Model Name |
LO |
16 |
LightSpeed Ultra |
0010,0000 |
Group Length |
UL |
4 |
98 |
0010,0010 |
Patient's Name |
PN |
14 |
0010,0020 |
Patient ID |
LO |
6 |
NYM753 |
0010,0030 |
Patient's Birth Date |
DA |
8 |
19671231 |
0010,0040 |
Patient's Sex |
CS |
2 |
M |
0010,1010 |
Patient's Age |
AS |
4 |
034Y |
0010,1020 |
Patient's Size |
DS |
0 |
0010,1030 |
Patient's Weight |
DS |
0 |
0010,4000 |
Patient Comments |
LT |
0 |
0018,0000 |
Group Length |
UL |
4 |
348 |
0018,0010 |
Contrast/Bolus Agent |
LO |
0 |
0018,0015 |
Body Part Examined |
CS |
0 |
0018,0020 |
Scanning Sequence |
CS |
0 |
0018,0022 |
Scan Options |
CS |
12 |
0018,0050 |
Slice Thickness |
DS |
8 |
5.000000 |
0018,0060 |
DS |
4 |
120 |
0018,0088 |
Spacing Between Slices |
DS |
10 |
4.963768 |
0018,0090 |
Data Collection Diameter |
DS |
10 |
500.000000 |
0018,1000 |
Device Serial Number |
LO |
0 |
0018,1020 |
Software Version(s) |
LO |
24 |
LightSpeedApps303.1_H3M4 |
0018,1030 |
Protocol Name |
LO |
18 |
0018,1041 |
Contrast/Bolus Volume |
DS |
0 |
0018,1061 |
Trigger Source or Type |
LO |
0 |
0018,1090 |
Cardiac Number of Images |
IS |
0 |
0018,1100 |
Reconstruction Diameter |
DS |
10 |
360.000000 |
0018,1110 |
Distance Source to Detector |
DS |
10 |
949.075012 |
0018,1111 |
Distance Source to Patient |
DS |
10 |
541.000000 |
0018,1120 |
Gantry/Detector Tilt |
DS |
8 |
0.000000 |
0018,1130 |
Table Height |
DS |
10 |
199.300003 |
0018,1150 |
Exposure Time |
IS |
4 |
1091 |
0018,1151 |
X-ray Tube Current |
IS |
2 |
40 |
0018,1152 |
Exposure |
IS |
4 |
440 |
0018,1210 |
Convolution Kernel |
SH |
8 |
0018,5100 |
Patient Position |
CS |
4 |
0020,0000 |
Group Length |
UL |
4 |
344 |
0020,000D |
Study Instance UID |
UI |
52 |
1.2.840.113619. |
0020,000E |
Series Instance UID |
UI |
52 |
1.2.840.113619. |
0020,0010 |
Study ID |
SH |
4 |
927 |
0020,0011 |
Series Number |
IS |
2 |
3 |
0020,0012 |
Acquisition Number |
IS |
2 |
1 |
0020,0020 |
Patient Orientation |
CS |
0 |
0020,0037 |
Image Orientation (Patient) |
DS |
54 |
1.000000\0.000000\0.000000\0.000000\1.000000\0.000000 |
0020,0052 |
Frame of Reference UID |
UI |
62 |
1.2.840.113619. |
0020,0060 |
Laterality |
CS |
0 |
0020,0110 |
Temporal Resolution |
DS |
0 |
0020,1002 |
Images in Acquisition |
IS |
8 |
4499196 |
0020,1208 |
Number of Study Related Images |
IS |
4 |
139 |
0020,4000 |
Image Comments |
LT |
0 |
0028,0000 |
Group Length |
UL |
4 |
180 |
0028,0002 |
Samples per Pixel |
US |
2 |
1 |
0028,0004 |
Photometric Interpretation |
CS |
12 |
0028,0008 |
Number of Frames |
IS |
4 |
139 |
0028,0010 |
Rows |
US |
2 |
512 |
0028,0011 |
Columns |
US |
2 |
512 |
0028,0030 |
Pixel Spacing |
DS |
14 |
0.7031\0.7031 |
0028,0100 |
Bits Allocated |
US |
2 |
16 |
0028,0101 |
Bits Stored |
US |
2 |
12 |
0028,0102 |
High Bit |
US |
2 |
11 |
0028,0103 |
Pixel Representation |
US |
2 |
0 |
0028,1050 |
Window Center |
DS |
6 |
40 |
0028,1051 |
Window Width |
DS |
6 |
400 |
0028,1052 |
Rescale Intercept |
DS |
6 |
-1024 |
0028,1053 |
Rescale Slope |
DS |
6 |
1.000 |