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  Stuff I've recently finished     Stuff I'm still working on
Example showing how to sum measurements using InchCalc InchCalc for Excel
InchCalc is an Add-in for Microsoft Excel that makes it possible to do calculations in feet and inches. It is handy for architects, builders, and carpenters.
SmarterMail NON SMTP AUTH finder
A tool for SmarterMail admins that can find non-authorized senders and help reduce spam.
CloudMark spam filter effectiveness and false positive rates
It is a cool idea for spam filtering by the masses, but is the technology sufficient to prevent false positives? Apparently not for my email corpus.
A proposal for a formal, structured language for drafting legal contracts and legislation.
An amazing program to remotely control a DOS machine - New Version!
If you need to remotely control a true (no Windows) MS-DOS machine over a TCP/IP network from a Windows or Linux machine, I think this is the only game in town. You'd be surprised how many people still want to do this. New version supports VGA graphics modes!
A free, reliable, secure, peer-to-peer based backup solution that leverages today's big hard drives to give people a no-brainer disaster recovery solution.
A free tool to export the encrypted data off a PayTrust CD
If you use PayTrust to manage your bills, you will want to use this free tool to decrypt and export all your data off your PayTrust CD onto your local hard drive.
The World's first $2.99 home awareness and automation system!
Brightmail versus Mail-Filters for accurate spam filtering
My experiences with each of the two spam filtering solutions that reduce spam without loosing real emails also.
A program to help find spam filter false-positives
A tool that searches for emails from people you know that mistakenly ended up in your Junk or Deleted Outlook email folders.
How to get a Sharp LL-151-3D stereo monitor to actually work
If you are the other person that bought one of these 3D monitors and then tried to use it, here is what finally worked for me.
How to add a host header alias to an IIS 6.0 web server from a batch file
Microsoft does supply tools to perform many IIS takes from the command line or from a batch file. Unfortunately their program for adding a host alias is so flawed that it unusable. Here is an version that I wrote that actually works. If you set up a lot of websites on your IIS server, this can save you a huge amount of time over doing it by hand.
Some old letters that the SEC should have read
A long time ago the SEC asked people to comment on the emerging issues surrounding Short Sales and sub-penny decimal pricing. Recently they issued some rules on these topics; unfortunately, these rules are pretty close to the opposite of correct. Maybe if they had read and/or understood these letters, they would have acted differently.
MailFilters + .NET .NET Development Tools for's StarEngine
A set of libraries that makes it possible to write programs that use .NET 2.0 to interface with the spam filtering API. Also includes a command line scanner that is easy to integrate into existing SMTP mail servers like SmarterMail.


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