TCP/IP DOS Utilities

Appendix: Error Messages

Part 9/9

Previous:    Operating Your PC Workstation Remotely

Contents:    Contents and Introduction

Appendix: Error Messages

FTP Messages

FTPD Messages

KEY220 Messages

LPR, LPQ and LPRM Error Messages:

Command-Line Messages

LPQ and LPRM Messages

LPR Messages

Configuration Messages

RCP Messages

REXEC and RSH Messages

RPR, RPS and RPD Messages

SMAP Messages

TELAPI Messages

TFTP Messages

TFTPD Messages

TNVT220 Messages

TSU Messages

XPC Messages

LAN WorkPlace System Messages

FTP Messages

Error messages displayed while you are using FTP can originate either from the remote host or from your DOS workstation.

Messages from the Remote Host

Error messages that originate from the FTP server on the remote host are preceded by three digits if VERBOSE mode is on; otherwise, the three-digit reply code is omitted. These messages indicate that an attempt was made to have the FTP server perform an invalid operation.

There are five groups of reply codes. Codes beginning with a "1" (1XX) say that everything is okay, and that another reply code is coming. Codes beginning with a "2" (2XX) indicate that your command succeeded. Codes beginning with a "3" (3XX) indicate that everything is okay, but that you need to perform another operation. Codes beginning with a "4" (4XX) indicate that a temporary condition prohibits execution of your command. Codes beginning with a "5" (5XX) are error messages.

If VERBOSE mode is off, only messages in groups 4XX and 5XX are displayed, but without the leading numeric characters. If VERBOSE mode is on, all messages, except for FTP session establishment messages, are displayed, along with their message numbers. RFC 959 contains a complete definition of FTP messages.

Messages from the your DOS Workstation

The following section lists and explains the error messages that originate from your workstation. If you encounter other messages that are not self-explanatory and that interrupt your work, contact your Novell-authorized reseller.

? Ambiguous command

Source: FTP  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The command you typed can be interpreted in more than one way.

Action: Use the HELP command for a list of valid commands.

Connection refused

Source: FTP  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The remote server is too busy, the remote server does not have the proper server software, or the FTP server is not running.

Action: Try establishing the connection later, or contact the remote host administrator.

Connection reset by peer

Source: FTP  Severity: Minor

Explanation: A problem occurred at the remote end of the connection and the remote system detected it.

Action: Contact the administrator of the remote host.

Connection timed out

Source: FTP  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The attempt to establish communication with the remote host did not succeed. Most likely, the remote host is down or the path to it has been severed.

Action: Try again later.

Invalid command

Source: FTP  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The command you typed was not valid.

Action: Use the HELP command for a list of valid commands.

Login failed

Source: FTP  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The name or password you supplied to the remote system was not acceptable.

Action: Reenter a name or password.

Lost connection

Source: FTP  Severity: Minor

Explanation: Communication to the remote host was interrupted and lost, and the state of the operation that was in progress, if any, cannot be determined.

Action: Reopen the session and try the operation again.

Mismatch between file type and transfer parameters

Source: FTP  Severity: Minor

Explanation: You tried to transfer a file using incompatible parameters. The file was not transferred.

Action: Synchronize your TYPE and TRANSFER parameters.

Network dropped connection on reset

Source: FTP  Severity: Minor

Explanation: Communication to the remote host was interrupted and lost, and the state of the operation that was in progress, if any, cannot be determined.

Action: Try the operation again.

Network is down

Source: FTP  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The local host cannot communicate with the network.

Action: Try again later.

Network is unreachable

Source: FTP  Severity: Minor

Explanation: No route to the remote host, or the remote network is unknown.

Action: Contact the administrator of the remote host.

No route to host

Source: FTP  Severity: Minor

Explanation: There is no route to the remote host.

Action: Contact the administrator of the remote host.

No such file or directory

Source: FTP  Severity: Minor

Explanation: You attempted to access a nonexistent file or directory.

Action: Verify the name of the file or directory and try again.

Not connected

Source: FTP  Severity: Minor

Explanation: File operations cannot be performed until you have established a connection to a remote host.

Action: Use the OPEN command to establish a connection to a remote host.

Not sufficient privilege for operation

Source: FTP  Severity: Informative

Explanation: You attempted an operation for which you do not have the proper permission.

Action: Contact the system administrator of the remote host.

Permission denied

Source: FTP  Severity: Minor

Explanation: You attempted an operation for which you do not have the proper permission.

Action: Contact the system administrator of the remote host.

Unknown hostname

Source: FTP  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The host you specified is not in the host table of the DNS name server (if your network has a name server) or in the HOSTS file on your workstation.

Action: Update your HOSTS file or contact your system administrator.

Usage: ..

Source: FTP  Severity: Minor

Explanation: You specified options incorrectly on the command line. This message shows the correct command-line format.

Action: Reenter the command with the correct format.

FTPD Messages

FTPD can display messages at the workstation when it is loaded. It can also display messages on the remote client screen. All FTPD messages are listed in alphabetic order and explained in the following section. If other messages are displayed that interrupt your work, contact your Novell-authorized reseller.

Action not permitted guest users

Source: FTPD  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The operation you attempted is not allowed by users logged in as guest.

Action: Have the owner of the workstation set up a regular login for you with the permissions you need.

Command not understood: syntax error

Source: FTPD  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The FTP command you entered is not a valid FTP command or was mistyped.

Action: Check the command syntax and retype the command.

Invalid Log File! Logging to Screen

Source: FTPD  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The log filename you entered was not a valid DOS filename. FTPD will display the log information on the screen.

Action: Check the filename or path for the log file and retry the command.

Login failed

Source: FTPD  Severity: Minor

Explanation: Your attempt to log in to FTPD was unsuccessful. You might have mistyped the username or password.

Action: Verify that you have a valid username and password and try again.

Login incorrect

Source: FTPD  Severity: Minor

Explanation: Your attempt to log in to FTPD was unsuccessful. You might have mistyped the username or password.

Action: Verify that you have a valid username and password and try again.

No filename matches

Source: FTPD  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The filename you specified does not match any file on the FTPD workstation.

Action: Check that the file exists and you are typing the name or specification correctly. Retry the command.

No memory in server

Source: FTPD  Severity: Serious

Explanation: The FTPD workstation does not have enough free memory to complete the operation you requested.

Action: Have the owner of the workstation unload any unneeded programs or load them into high memory. Retry the operation.

Ran out of memory

Source: FTPD  Severity: Serious

Explanation: The FTPD workstation does not have enough free memory to complete the operation you requested.

Action: Have the owner of the workstation unload any unneeded programs or load them into high memory. Retry the operation.

Sorry! operation not supported

Source: FTPD  Severity: Minor

Explanation: FTPD does not implement the FTP operation you requested.

Action: Use the REMOTEHELP command to list the operations available from FTPD.

The TCP/IP protocol stack is NOT loaded

Source: FTPD  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The TCP/IP Transport software driver, TCPIP.EXE, has not been run. Normally this driver is run from the LANWP.BAT file.

Action: Check the LANWP.BAT file to make sure it loads TCPIP.EXE. Type LANWP to load the networking software.

Transfer parameter not supported

Source: FTPD  Severity: Minor

Explanation: FTPD does not implement the FTP operation you requested.

Action: Use the REMOTEHELP command to list the operations available from FTPD.

Unable to Open Log File! Logging to Screen

Source: FTPD  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The log file you specified is read-only or is not a valid log file. FTPD displays the log information on the screen.

Action: Check that the log file is a writable text file. Retry the command.

Unimplemented MODE type

Source: FTPD  Severity: Minor

Explanation: FTPD does not support the FTP mode that you requested. FTPD supports STREAM mode only.

Action: Choose STREAM mode.

Unimplemented STRU type

Source: FTPD  Severity: Minor

Explanation: FTPD does not support the file transfer structure that you requested. Supported structures are FILE and RECORD.

Action: Choose either FILE or RECORD structure.

Unknown command:

Source: FTPD  Severity: Minor

Explanation: A command you entered is not recognized by FTPD. The specifies which command was unrecognized.

Action: Type REMOTEHELP for a list of the recognized commands.

User unknown

Source: FTPD  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The username you entered is not known to FTPD.

Action: Make sure you are typing the username correctly. Have the owner of the workstation add your username to the FTPD access authorization file.

KEY220 Messages

Error messages displayed while you are using KEY220 originate from your workstation. These messages are listed and explained in the following section. If other messages are displayed that are not self-explanatory and that interrupt your work, contact your Novell-authorized reseller.

Cannot generate output file

Source: KEY220  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The KEY220 utility failed to generate the output file because of errors in the input file.

Action: Verify the format of your input file and try again.

Cannot open file

Source: KEY220  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The KEY220 utility was unable to find or open the specified file.

Action: Verify the name of your input file and try again.

Cannot write to file

Source: KEY220  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The KEY220 utility was unable to open the specified file.

Action: Verify the name of your output file and try again.

Input file does not define mapping for the following VT220 keys

Source: KEY220  Severity: Minor

Explanation: You did not define mapping for the listed VT220 keys. The mapping file must define mapping for all mappable VT220 keys.

Action: Make sure that you define mapping for all listed VT220 keys. Using the default values is usually acceptable. If you do not want to define a mapping for a VT220 key, set it to NULL.

Invalid PC key sequence

Source: KEY220  Severity: Minor

Explanation: You specified an invalid workstation key sequence in your KEY220 input file.

Action: Verify the format of your input file and try again.

Invalid VT220 key function

Source: KEY220  Severity: Minor

Explanation: You specified an invalid VT220 key function in your KEY220 input file.

Action: Verify the format of your input file and try again.

PC key sequence already being used

Source: KEY220  Severity: Minor

Explanation: You specified more than one mapping for a single workstation key sequence in the KEY220 input file.

Action: Verify the format of your input file and try again.

Unexpected end of input file

Source: KEY220  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The KEY220 input file is either empty or the last line describing the keyboard mapping has an invalid format.

Action: Verify the format of your input file and try again.

LPR, LPQ, and LPRM Error Messages

This section divides LPR, LPQ and LPRM error messages between the following groups: command-line messages, LPQ and LPRM messages, LPR messages, and configuration messages. Each group of messages is presented in one of the following sections.


Command-Line Messages

<character>: unrecognized option `-<character>'

Source: LAN WorkPlace command-line utilities: LPR, LPQ, or LPRM  Severity: Minor

Explanation: You typed an option on the command line that is not in the list of recognized options.

Action: Verify your command line against the option list provided in (LPR command), (LPQ command), or (LPRM command). You can also type the command without parameters to display a list of the options. The options to these commands are case sensitive; make sure you are using the correct case.

<character>: no argument for `-<character>' option

Source: LAN WorkPlace command-line utilities: LPR, LPQ, or LPRM  Severity: Minor

Explanation: This character option requires an accompanying argument.

Action: Verify your command line against the option list provided in (LPR command), (LPQ command), or (LPRM command). You can also type the command without parameters to display a list of the options. The options to these commands are case sensitive; make sure you are using the correct case.

Invalid host input

Source: LAN WorkPlace command-line utilities: LPR, LPQ, or LPRM  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The argument you typed for the -H option exceeds the maximum length of 30 characters.

Action: Retype the command using a hostname 30 characters or shorter.

Invalid printer input

Source: LAN WorkPlace command-line utilities: LPR, LPQ, or LPRM  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The argument you typed for the -P option exceeds the maximum length of 30 characters.

Action: Retype the command using a printer name 30 characters or shorter.


LPQ and LPRM Messages

Exceeded maximum number of job numbers input

Source: LAN WorkPlace command-line utilities: LPQ or LPRM  Severity: Minor

Explanation: You specified more than 20 job numbers, the maximum that can be handled in one command.

Action: Repeat the command as many times as necessary, specifying 20 or fewer job numbers in each command.

Exceeds maximum number of usernames input

Source: LAN WorkPlace command-line utilities: LPQ or LPRM  Severity: Minor

Explanation: You specified more than five usernames, the maximum that can be handled in one command.

Action: Repeat the command as many times as necessary, specifying five or fewer usernames in each command.

Illegal job number <job #>

Source: LAN WorkPlace command-line utilities: LPQ or LPRM  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The job number you entered is greater than 255 or begins with a digit.

Action: Check the output of the previous LPR command to make sure you have the correct job number.


LPR Messages

Bad connection

Source: LPR  Severity: Minor

Explanation: A problem has occurred with the connection to the remote host.

Action: Check the physical connection to the host with the following command:

PING <hostname>
If the host is not responding, contact its administrator.

Cannot get Local IP name

Source: LAN WorkPlace command-line utility: LPR  Severity: Minor

Explanation: LPR cannot find the name associated with the IP address for your workstation.

Action: Make sure your HOSTS file has a local host entry.

Connection closed

Source: LAN WorkPlace command-line utility: LPR  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The remote host connection has been closed.

Check the physical connection to the host with the following command:

PING <hostname>
Action: If the host is not responding, contact its administrator.

Control file rejected

Source: LAN WorkPlace command-line utility: LPR  Severity: Serious

Explanation: A problem has occurred involving remote host communication.

Action: Retry the operation.

Error in creating job number file

Source: LAN WorkPlace command-line utility: LPR  Severity: Minor

Explanation: LPR could not successfully create the file JOB.NUM in the first directory included in the PATH LWP_CFG setting of the NET.CFG file, or the \NET\HSTACC directory.

Action: The JOB.NUM file is two bytes long. Check that you have sufficient disk space to create this file.

Error opening job number file

Source: LAN WorkPlace command-line utility: LPR  Severity: Minor

Explanation: LPR could not open the file JOB.NUM in the first directory included in the PATH LWP_CFG setting of the NET.CFG file, or the \NET\HSTACC directory.

Action: Increase the number of open files available to the system by increasing the FILES= parameter in the CONFIG.SYS file on your workstation.

Error reading job number file

Source: LAN WorkPlace command-line utility: LPR  Severity: Minor

Explanation: LPR could not read the file JOB.NUM. The file JOB.NUM is used internally by LPR to assign and track unique job numbers. It is created the first time you use the LPR command in the first directory specified by the PATH LWP_CFG setting in the NET.CFG file, or in \NET\HSTACC.

Action: If this file cannot be read, delete it and allow LPR to create a new one.

Error seeking to beginning of job number file

Source: LAN WorkPlace command-line utility: LPR  Severity: Minor

Explanation: LPR could not find the beginning of the file JOB.NUM. The file JOB.NUM is used internally by LPR to assign and track unique job numbers. It is created the first time you use the LPR command in the first directory specified by the PATH LWP_CFG setting in the NET.CFG file, or in \NET\HSTACC.

Action: If this file cannot be read, delete it and allow LPR to create a new one.

File rejected

Source: LAN WorkPlace command-line utility: LPR  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The remote host did not accept your file for printing.

Action: Check that your input file is a text file of printable characters.

does not exist

Source: LAN WorkPlace command-line utility: LPR  Severity: Minor

Explanation: LPR cannot find the file you specified for printing.

Action: Verify that the file exists and that the filename is spelled correctly.

Invalid Class input

Source: LAN WorkPlace command-line utility: LPR  Severity: Minor

Explanation: You typed more than 31 characters for the Class parameter.

Action: Repeat the command with a Class of 31 characters or fewer.

Invalid Job Name input

Source: LAN WorkPlace command-line utility: LPR  Severity: Minor

Explanation: You typed more than 99 characters for the Job Name parameter.

Action: Repeat the command with a Job Name of 99 characters or fewer.

Invalid number of copies input

Source: LAN WorkPlace command-line utility: LPR  Severity: Minor

Explanation: You requested more than 255 copies, the maximum allowed.

Action: Repeat the command, requesting 255 or fewer copies.

Invalid Title input

Source: LAN WorkPlace command-line utility: LPR  Severity: Minor

Explanation: You typed more than 79 characters for the Title parameter.

Action: Repeat the command with a Title of 79 characters or fewer.

Out of storage space

Source: LPR  Severity: Serious

Explanation: The remote host has run out of disk space and cannot store the temporary files necessary to print your job.

Action: Contact the remote host administrator.

Printer not available

Source: LAN WorkPlace command-line utility: LPR  Severity: Serious

Explanation: The remote host has responded that the printer you specified is not available for printing.

Action: Verify that you are using the correct printer name. Have the remote host administrator check the connection to the printer.

Read Error:

Source: LAN WorkPlace command-line utility: LPR  Severity: Minor

Explanation: LPR encountered an error reading the file you specified to be printed.

Action: Verify that your file can be read.

Requested N copies. Output n copies due to buffer limits

Source: LAN WorkPlace command-line utility: LPR  Severity: Minor

Explanation: A limited buffer size allowed fewer copies to print than you requested.

Action: Repeat the command to print the remainder of copies.


Configuration Messages

The following error messages indicate that a problem with your workstation configuration is preventing LPR, LPQ, or LPRM from running successfully.

Cannot set Control Break Handler

Source: LAN WorkPlace command-line utilities: LPR, LPQ, or LPRM  Severity: Serious

Explanation: The mechanism for setting control break handling failed.

Action: Check that your CONFIG.SYS file has a correctly formatted BREAK=ON or BREAK=OFF entry.

Local ports 721 through 731 are in use

Source: LAN WorkPlace command-line utilities: LPR, LPQ, or LPRM  Severity: Serious

Explanation: Ports 721 through 731 are currently in use. These are well-known TCP ports that are reserved for use by the L-utilities. They are required to run the utility.

Action: Check that another workstation application is not improperly using these ports. Stop any suspect applications, restart your workstation, and retry the command.

Nonexistent host name

Source: LAN WorkPlace command-line utilities: LPR, LPQ, or LPRM  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The hostname could not be found in the PRINT.CFG file on your workstation, and you did not include it in the command line.

Action: Add the hostname to the entry for the printer in PRINT.CFG, or supply the hostname in the command line. For more information on the PRINT.CFG file, see "Setting Up a Printer Configuration File".

Nonexistent printer name

Source: LAN WorkPlace command-line utilities: LPR, LPQ, or LPRM  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The printer name could not be found in the PRINT.CFG file on your workstation, and you did not include it in the command line.

Action: Add an entry for the printer in PRINT.CFG, or supply the printer name in the command line. For more information on the PRINT.CFG file, see "Setting Up a Printer Configuration File".

Unknown or illegal host name = <hostname>

Source: LAN WorkPlace command-line utilities: LPR, LPQ, or LPRM  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The hostname was not known to the DNS name server on your network (if you have a name server), and could not be found in the HOSTS file on your workstation.

Action: Verify that hostname input is identifiable to your workstation by entering the following command:

PING <hostname>
If this command is unsuccessful, add the host to your HOSTS file or contact your network administrator to update your DNS name server.

Your username must be in environment table. ... SET NAME = username

Source: LAN WorkPlace command-line utilities: LPR, LPQ, or LPRM  Severity: Minor

Explanation: Your username must be set correctly in the DOS environment for this command to execute.

Action: Use the SET NAME command to add your username to the DOS environment, then repeat the command.

RCP Messages

When you use the RCP utility, you can receive error messages from either your workstation or the remote host. The RCP messages that you are most likely to see are described in alphabetic order in the following section. If you see other messages that interrupt your work, contact your Novell-authorized reseller.

Some of the error messages refer to LAN WorkPlace system error messages. For more information about these messages, see "LAN WorkPlace System Messages".

Accepting connection: <LAN WorkPlace system message>

Source: RCP  Severity: Serious

Explanation: The remote host failed to call back for the STDERR connection. Its RSH server might have failed.

Action: Contact the system administrator of the remote host.

Accessing socket: <LAN WorkPlace system message>

Source: RCP  Severity: Serious

Explanation: The socket address function failed while allocating a socket for the STDERR connection. The connection to the server might have been lost.

Action: Retry the operation.

Allocating socket: <LAN WorkPlace system message>

Source: RCP  Severity: Serious

Explanation: Your workstation had a problem creating a socket for a connection. Too many applications might be running, or applications might have aborted without closing their connections.

Action: Stop some applications, restart your workstation, or increase the socket allocation in the NET.CFG file.

Ambiguous target

Source: RCP  Severity: Serious

Explanation: The host you attempted to connect to could not be identified because of an error internal to the TCP/IP Transport software.

Action: Contact your Novell-authorized reseller.

Cannot set nonblocking I/O: <LAN WorkPlace system message>

Source: RCP  Severity: Serious

Explanation: This is a LAN WorkPlace application error.

Action: Contact your Novell-authorized reseller.

Can't make pipe

Source: RCP  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The connection needed for STDERR was not created. The RCP connection was probably lost.

Action: Contact the system administrator of the remote host.

Command too long

Source: RCP  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The command line you attempted to send exceeds the size of the argument list on the remote system.

Action: Reenter the command with the correct format.

Connection refused

Source: RCP  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The remote host actively refused to establish communication. This could indicate that no RSH server is running on the remote host.

Action: Contact the system administrator of the remote host.

Connection timed out

Source: RCP  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The remote host failed to respond to a communications packet sent by your workstation. The remote host could have failed or could be off the network.

Action: Contact the system administrator of the remote host.

<directory_name>: Must use -r if source is directory

Source: RCP  Severity: Minor

Explanation: You are trying to copy files from a directory on the workstation by specifying only the directory name, but you did not use the -r option.

Action: Reenter the command with the correct format.

<directory/name>: File name too long

Source: RCP  Severity: Minor

Explanation: Together, the names of the file and its directory are too long. To copy the file, you must shorten the filename.

Action: Rename or move the file, then retry the command.

***Error: Target file name does not meet DOS filename specifications ***Target filename is:

Source: RCP  Severity: Minor

Explanation: When copying a file to the workstation, you specified a DOS filename that was in an invalid format or that was too long. Either the file is not copied, or RCP prompts you for a different filename.

Action: Reenter the command using a target filename that conforms to the DOS filename specifications.

***Error: Target file name matches DOS device name. ***Target filename is: <filename>

Source: RCP  Severity: Minor

Explanation: When copying a file to the workstation, you specified a filename that is a DOS device. DOS devices include CON, AUX, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, PRN, NUL, and CLOCK$. Either the file is not copied, or RCP prompts you for a different filename.

Action: Reenter the command using a target filename that conforms to the DOS filename specifications.

<filename>: <LAN WorkPlace system message>

Source: RCP  Severity: Minor

Explanation: One of the following conditions occurred: a write error occurred on the workstation file, RCP cannot open the destination file, RCP cannot open the source or destination file to determine whether it is a text file, the destination you specified is not a valid directory, or the workstation source file or directory does not exist. RCP attempts to continue with the next specified source file.

Action: To correct the above condition, perform one of the following corrective actions: If a write error exists, you should remove the write protect tab or make space on the disk. If RCP could not open the destination file, you should verify that you have permissions on the destination file. If RCP cannot open the source or destination file to determine if it is a text file, you should verify that your source and destination files are both text files. If the destination you specified is not a valid directory, you should verify your directory name and try the command again. If the workstation source file or directory does not exist, you should verify your source file or directory name and try the command again.

<filename>: File changed size during copy

Source: RCP  Severity: Minor

Explanation: Another user modified the indicated file while RCP was preparing to copy it.

Action: Close other applications, then repeat the copy operation.

<filename>: Invalid DOS filename. Enter new filename (press Enter to skip):

Source: RCP  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The name of the remote file is not a valid DOS filename and hence cannot be copied to the workstation. You are prompted to enter a valid DOS filename.

Action: If you do not want to copy the file, press <Enter>.

<filename>: Not a regular file or directory

Source: RCP  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The file you are trying to copy is not a file or directory. It might be a nondisk device name, such as COM1 or LPT1.

Action: Verify your file or directory name and try the command again.

<filename>: Not copied: invalid DOS file name (-i option)

Source: RCP  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The specified file is not copied by RCP because it has an invalid DOS file or directory name. These files are not copied when you specify the -i option.

Action: Verify your file or directory name and try the command again.

<filename>: Not copied (-o option specified)

Source: RCP  Severity: Informative

Explanation: The specified file is not copied by RCP because it is an object or executable file. Files with extensions .OBJ, .O, .LIB, .EXE, and .COM are not copied when you specify the -o option.

Action: No action is necessary unless you want to copy a file that is an object or executable file. To copy these files, repeat the command without the -o option.

<hostname>: <LAN WorkPlace system message>

Source: RCP  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The attempt to connect to the remote host failed.

Action: Try the command again. If the message repeats, contact the remote host administrator.

<hostname>: Unknown host

Source: RCP  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The hostname you specified is not recognized as a host system name.

Action: Make sure that you have spelled the hostname correctly. Check the HOSTS file on your workstation to make sure it has an entry for this host.

Invalid username

Source: RCP  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The username you entered or specified with the SET NAME command contains invalid characters. Only the letters A-Z and a-z, the digits 0-9, and the underscore (_) and hyphen (-) characters are allowed in the name.

Action: Verify the spelling of the username and try the command again.

Login failed

Source: RCP  Severity: Minor

Explanation: Authorization by the remote host failed. Either you specified an invalid username or password, or the proper entries are not present in the remote host .rhosts or hosts.equiv file.

Action: Verify your username and password and try again.

Lost connection n

Source: RCP  Severity: Serious

Explanation: Communication to the remote host was interrupted and lost, and the state of any operation that was in progress cannot be determined.

Action: Try the command again.

Lost previous directory entry

Source: RCP  Severity: Minor

Explanation: A change in the directory structure occurred while RCP was copying files from a directory on the workstation to the remote host. Files were either added to or removed from the directory.

Action: Try the command again.

Permission denied

Source: RCP  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The remote host . rhosts file does not contain an entry for the username you specified, or its hosts.equiv file does not contain an entry for your workstation.

Action: Check the spelling of the username. If it is correct, add the username to the .rhosts or hosts.equiv file.

Protocol error:

Source: RCP  Severity: Serious

Explanation: The RCP utility on the remote host transmitted an improperly constructed control message to the workstation. error_message can be any of the following:
bad mode
mode not delimited
size not delimited
unexpected '\n'

Action: Try the command again. If the command continues to fail, contact your Novell-authorized reseller.

Socket: All ports in use

Source: RCP  Severity: Serious

Explanation: RCP cannot find a reserved port (that is, a port with a port number less than 1024) to establish a connection to the RSH server.

Action: Contact your Novell-authorized reseller.

Socket: protocol failure in connection setup Family= n, Port= n

Source: RCP  Severity: Serious

Explanation: The remote RSH server is not set up correctly.

Action: Contact the administrator of the remote server.

Unknown host

Source: RCP  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The host you specified is not known to the DNS name server on your network (if you have a name server) and is not listed in the HOSTS file on your workstation.

Action: Check your spelling of the hostname. Ask your system administrator to update the DNS name server, or update your HOSTS file.

Usage: ..

Source: RCP  Severity: Minor

Explanation: You entered the RCP command incorrectly. This error message shows the correct command line format.

Action: Try the command again with the correct format.

Warning: is read only, copy is writable

Source: RCP  Severity: Informative

Explanation: Transfer of the indicated directory was completed and the new copy is set for read/write access. However, this message warns you that the source directory is read-only.

Action: No action is necessary.

Your username must be in the environment table...SET NAME=

Source: RCP  Severity: Minor

Explanation: Your username is not currently in the environment table.

Action: Execute the DOS SET NAME command using your remote host login name.

REXEC and RSH Messages

Error messages that can occur while you are using the REXEC or RSH utility originate from either your workstation or the remote host. They are listed in alphabetic order and explained in the following section. If other messages appear that interrupt your work, contact your Novell-authorized reseller.

Some of the error messages refer to LAN WorkPlace system error messages. For more information about these messages, see "LAN WorkPlace System Messages".

Accepting connection: <LAN WorkPlace system message>

Source: REXEC and RSH  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The remote host failed to call back for the STDERR connection.

Action: Try the command again.

Accessing socket: <LAN WorkPlace system message>

Source: REXEC and RSH   Severity: Minor

Explanation: The socket address function failed while allocating a socket for the STDERR connection. The connection to the server might have been lost.

Action: Try the command again.

Allocating socket: <LAN WorkPlace system message>

Source: REXEC and RSH   Severity: Minor

Explanation: The workstation had a problem creating a socket for a connection. Too many applications might be running, or applications might have aborted without closing their connections.

Action: Stop some applications, restart the workstation, or increase the number of sockets allocated in the NET.CFG file.

connect: <LAN WorkPlace system message>

Source: REXEC and RSH   Severity: Minor

Explanation: The attempt to connect to the remote host or to the server on the remote host failed.

Action: Try the command again.

<hostname>: <LAN WorkPlace system message>

Source: REXEC and RSH   Severity: Minor

Explanation: The attempt to connect to the remote host failed.

Action: Try the command again.

Login failed

Source: REXEC and RSH   Severity: Minor

Explanation: Authorization by the remote host failed. Either you specified an invalid username or password, or the proper entries are not present in the remote host . rhosts or hosts.equiv file.

Action: Make sure that your username and password are valid and that the proper entries are present in the . rhosts or hosts.equiv file.

No command specified

Source: REXEC and RSH   Severity: Minor

Explanation: You did not specify a command to be executed by the remote host or you did not specify a remote host.

Action: Reenter REXEC or RSH followed by a remote hostname and a UNIX command. For example: RSH financehost ls

Permission denied

Source: REXEC and RSH   Severity: Minor

Explanation: The remote host's file (. rhosts or hosts.equiv ) does not contain an entry for the username you specified using the SET NAME command or for the workstation name.

Action: Make sure that your username and password are valid and that the proper entries are present in the . rhosts or hosts.equiv file.

Read error on stderr socket

Source: REXEC and RSH   Severity: Serious

Explanation: An error occurred while trying to read characters from the remote host STDERR. The connection was probably lost.

Action: Try the command again.

Read error on stdin socket

Source: REXEC and RSH   Severity: Serious

Explanation: An error occurred while trying to read characters from STDIN on the workstation. This usually occurs only when STDIN has been redirected to a file.

Action: Restart your workstation and try the command again.

Read error on stdio socket: <LAN WorkPlace system message>

Source: REXEC and RSH   Severity: Serious

Explanation: An error occurred while trying to read characters from the network connection, which would have been written to STDOUT. The connection was probably lost.

Action: Try the command again.

Select: host failed to connect: <LAN WorkPlace system message>

Source: REXEC and RSH   Severity: Serious

Explanation: RSH or REXEC waited for the remote host to establish the required STDERR connection, but it never did. The remote host or remote server might have failed.

Action: Try the command again.

Socket: <LAN WorkPlace system message>

Source: REXEC and RSH   Severity: Serious

Explanation: The attempt to allocate a socket for RSH or REXEC failed.

Action: Try the command again.

Socket: All ports in use

Source: REXEC and RSH   Severity: Minor

Explanation: RSH or REXEC cannot find a reserved port (that is, a port number less than 1024) to connect to the RSH server.

Action: Try the command later. If the error message is displayed repeatedly, use the LWPCON utility to determine whether all ports are in use. If they are not, contact your Novell-authorized reseller.

Socket: Permission denied

Source: REXEC and RSH   Severity: Serious

Explanation: RSH or REXEC was not installed correctly.

Action: Change your configuration or reinstall the LAN WorkPlace software.

Socket: protocol failure in connection setup. Family = , Port =

Source: REXEC and RSH   Severity: Serious

Explanation: Either the remote host is from the wrong Internet family (not AF_INET) or the server on the remote host did not use a reserved port (that is, a port with a port number less than 1024).

Action: Contact the administrator of the remote host.

Usage: ..

Source: REXEC and RSH   Severity: Minor

Explanation: You specified options incorrectly on the command line. This error message shows the correct command-line format.

Action: Verify your command-line syntax and enter the command again.

Write error on stdio socket

Source: REXEC and RSH   Severity: Serious

Explanation: An error occurred while trying to write characters to the network connection. These are characters from STDIN on the workstation. The connection was probably lost.

Action: Try the command again. If this error persists, contact your Novell-authorized reseller.

Your username must be in the environment table...SET NAME =

Source: REXEC and RSH  Severity: Minor

Explanation: Your username is either not in the environment table or does not match your current setting.

Action: Execute the DOS SET NAME command and set your DOS username to be the same as your login name on the remote host.

RPR, RPS and RPD Messages

Error messages that occur while you are using RPR, RPS, or RPD can originate from either the workstation or from the RSH server on the remote host. The error messages are listed in alphabetic order and explained in the following section. If other messages appear that interrupt your work, contact your Novell-authorized reseller.

Some of the error messages refer to LAN WorkPlace system error messages. For more information on these messages, see "LAN WorkPlace System Messages".

Accepting connection: <LAN WorkPlace system message>

Source: RPR, RPS, and RPD  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The passive open operation for the STDERR connection failed.

Action: Retry the command.

Cannot execute remote command

Source: RPR, RPS, and RPD  Severity: Minor

Explanation: One of the following conditions exists: the remote host has refused the connection, you could not be validated on the remote host, the remote host cannot execute the command you specified.

Action: If the remote host refused the connection, try again later. If you could not be validated on the remote host, make sure that the name set for your workstation (DOS SET NAME command) is the same as your login name on the remote host, and make sure that the remote host .rhosts or hosts.equiv file is correct. If the remote host cannot execute the command you specified, make sure you specified the command correctly and you have permission to execute the command.

Command too long

Source: RPR, RPS, and RPD  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The command you tried to send from PRINT.CFG exceeds the size of the argument list on the remote system.

Action: Shorten the command or contact the administrator of the remote system.

File transfer to server failed: interrupted system call

Source: RPR, RPS, and RPD  Severity: Informative

Explanation: You aborted the RPR command by pressing <Ctrl>+<C> or <Ctrl>+<Break>. The RPR command might or might not have concluded.

Action: Reenter the command as necessary.

File transfer to server failed: Remote host inaccessible

Source: RPR, RPS, and RPD  Severity: Minor

Explanation: One of the following conditions exists: the remote host has refused the connection, you could not be validated on the remote host, the remote host cannot execute the command you specified.

Action: If the remote host refused the connection, try again later. If you could not be validated on the remote host, make sure that the name set for your workstation (DOS SET NAME command) is the same as your login name on the remote host, and make sure that the remote host . rhosts or hosts.equiv file is correct. If the remote host cannot execute the command you specified, make sure you specified the command correctly and you have permission to execute the command.

<hostname>: <LAN WorkPlace system message>

Source: RPR, RPS, and RPD  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The attempt to connect to the remote host failed.

Action: Try the command again.

Incomplete processing of file . File transfer to server failed

Source: RPR, RPS, and RPD  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The file you are trying to print was not transferred to the remote host. This usually means that the connection to the remote host has been lost.

Action: Try the command again.

Invalid command modifier in configuration file

Source: RPR, RPS, and RPD  Severity: Minor

Explanation: You specified an invalid %f command-line modifier in the PRINT.CFG file.

Action: Modify this file and try the command again. For information on working with the PRINT.CFG file, see "Setting Up a Printer Configuration File".

Invalid option:

Source: RPR, RPS, and RPD  Severity: Minor

Explanation: You specified an invalid option on the command line.

Action: Check your syntax and enter the command again.

Job ID: Invalid command modifier in configuration file

Source: RPR, RPS, and RPD  Severity: Minor

Explanation: You specified an invalid %j command-line modifier in the PRINT.CFG file.

Action: Modify this file and try the command again. For information on working with the PRINT.CFG file, see "Setting Up a Printer Configuration File".

Job ID: Substitute string for modifier undefined

Source: RPR, RPS, and RPD  Severity: Minor

Explanation: You did not specify a job identifier on the command line to be used by the %j command-line modifier.

Action: Check your syntax and enter the command again.

Job Title: Invalid command modifier in configuration file

Source: RPR, RPS, and RPD  Severity: Minor

Explanation: You specified an invalid %t command-line modifier in the PRINT.CFG file.

Action: Modify this file and try the command again. For information on working with the PRINT.CFG file, see "Setting Up a Printer Configuration File".

Job Title: Substitute string for modifier undefined

Source: RPR, RPS, and RPD  Severity: Minor

Explanation: You did not specify a job title on the command line to be used by the %t command-line modifier.

Action: Check your syntax and enter the command again.

Login failed

Source: RPR, RPS, and RPD  Severity: Serious

Explanation: Authorization by the remote host failed.

Action: Check the username and password. Make sure that the name set for your workstation (DOS SET NAME command) is the same as your login name on the remote host, and make sure that the remote host . rhosts or hosts.equiv file is correct.

Missing Job ID, required argument

Source: RPR, RPS, and RPD  Severity: Minor

Explanation: You did not specify a required job identifier on the RPD command line.

Action: The job identifier is returned by the RPR command previously executed to send the job to print. Check your syntax and reenter the command.

Missing or null RPD command string in Configuration File

Source: RPR, RPS, and RPD  Severity: Minor

Explanation: An RPD command line is not defined in the PRINT.CFG file for the printer you specified.

Action: Modify this file and try the command again. For information on working with the PRINT.CFG file, see "Setting Up a Printer Configuration File".

Missing or null RPR command string in Configuration File

Source: RPR, RPS, and RPD  Severity: Minor

Explanation: An RPR command line is not defined in the PRINT.CFG file for the printer you specified.

Action: Modify this file and try the command again. For information on working with the PRINT.CFG file, see "Setting Up a Printer Configuration File".

Missing or null RPS command string in Configuration File

Source: RPR, RPS, and RPD  Severity: Minor

Explanation: An RPS command line is not defined in the PRINT.CFG file for the printer you specified.

Action: Modify this file and try the command again. For information on working with the PRINT.CFG file, see "Setting Up a Printer Configuration File".

Networking code has not been initialized Processing Configuration File: Cannot find required item in configuration file

Source: RPR, RPS, and RPD  Severity: Minor. Each of the following messages is unique but, in general, these messages are caused by minor syntax errors.

Explanation: An entry required by the command you specified was not found in the PRINT.CFG file.

Action: Check the syntax in the PRINT.CFG file and try again.

Networking code has not been initialized Processing Configuration File: Configuration file has invalid format

Source: RPR, RPS, and RPD  Severity: Minor. Each of the following messages is unique but, in general, these messages are caused by minor syntax errors.

Explanation: The command cannot conclude because of an error in the PRINT.CFG file.

Action: Check the syntax in the PRINT.CFG file, and try the command again.

Networking code has not been initialized Processing Configuration File: Invalid command modifier in configuration file

Source: RPR, RPS, and RPD  Severity: Minor. Each of the following messages is unique but, in general, these messages are caused by minor syntax errors.

Explanation: A %f, %j, %t, or %u is improperly specified in the PRINT.CFG file.

Action: Check the syntax in the PRINT.CFG file, and try the command again.

Networking code has not been initialized Processing Configuration File: Invalid item format in configuration file

Source: RPR, RPS, and RPD  Severity: Minor. Each of the following messages is unique but, in general, these messages are caused by minor syntax errors.

Explanation: The format of a line in the PRINT.CFG file is wrong.

Action: Check the syntax in the PRINT.CFG file, and try the command again.

Networking code has not been initialized Processing Configuration File: Item entry too long

Source: RPR, RPS, and RPD  Severity: Minor. Each of the following messages is unique but, in general, these messages are caused by minor syntax errors.

Explanation: An entry in the PRINT.CFG file is too long.

Action: Check the syntax in the PRINT.CFG file, and try the command again.

Networking code has not been initialized Processing Configuration File: Printer entry not found

Source: RPR, RPS, and RPD  Severity: Minor. Each of the following messages is unique but, in general, these messages are caused by minor syntax errors.

Explanation: The printer name you specified is not listed in your PRINT.CFG file.

Action: Make sure you spelled the printer name properly, and check the printer configuration file.

Networking code has not been initialized Processing Configuration File: Remote host inaccessible

Source: RPR, RPS, and RPD  Severity: Minor. Each of the following messages is unique but, in general, these messages are caused by minor syntax errors.

Explanation: The remote host is not available or is not running the RSH server.

Action: Try again later, or check with the administrator of the remote host.

Networking code has not been initialized Processing Configuration File: Remote host terminated connection early

Source: RPR, RPS, and RPD  Severity: Minor. Each of the following messages is unique but, in general, these messages are caused by minor syntax errors.

Explanation: The remote host terminated the connection before the command could conclude.

Action: Try again later.

Networking code has not been initialized Processing Configuration File: Substitute string for modifier undefined

Source: RPR, RPS, and RPD  Severity: Minor

Explanation: You specified a modifier in the command line that is not defined in the PRINT.CFG file.

Action: Check your syntax and reenter the command.

Networking code has not been initialized Processing Configuration File: Unknown item in configuration file

Source: RPR, RPS, and RPD  Severity: Minor. Each of the following messages is unique but, in general, these messages are caused by minor syntax errors.

Explanation: You specified an entry in the printer configuration file incorrectly.

Action: Check the syntax in your printer configuration file and try the command again.

No default TITLE item in Configuration file. Processing Configuration File: Cannot find required item in configuration file

Source: RPR, RPS, and RPD  Severity: Minor

Explanation: Your PRINT.CFG file contains no entry for TITLE.

Action: Add this entry to the file, and try the command again. For information on working with the PRINT.CFG file, see "Setting Up a Printer Configuration File".

No remote directory

Source: RPR, RPS, and RPD  Severity: Serious

Explanation: The server could not change directories to the home directory.

Action: Contact the administrator of the remote system.

Not processing file . Cannot determine file type: <LAN WorkPlace system message>

Source: RPR  Severity: Minor

Explanation: RPR cannot determine whether the file is a text file or a binary file, and therefore it does not print the file. RPR continues with the next file in the command line.

Action: Verify that the file is a text file and try the command again.

Not processing file . Failed to open file

Source: RPR  Severity: Minor

Explanation: One of the files you specified on the RPR command line does not exist. RPR skips this file and continues with the next file specified on the command line.

Action: Verify that the file exists and try the command again.

Permission denied

Source: RPR, RPS, and RPD  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The . rhosts file on your UNIX system does not contain an entry for the username you specified or for the workstation name.

Action: Contact the administrator of your remote system.

Processing Configuration File: <LAN WorkPlace system message>

Source: RPR, RPS, and RPD  Severity: Minor

Explanation: One or more entries in the PRINT.CFG file are incorrect. The specific LAN WorkPlace system message points to the cause of the problem.

Action: Correct the applicable PRINT.CFG entry or entries. For information on working with the PRINT.CFG file, see "Setting Up a Printer Configuration File".

Read error on stderr socket

Source: RPR, RPS, and RPD  Severity: Serious

Explanation: An error occurred while trying to read characters from the remote host standard error. The connection was probably lost.

Action: Retry the command.

Read error on stdin

Source: RPR, RPS, and RPD  Severity: Serious

Explanation: An error occurred while trying to read characters from the standard input on the workstation. The connection was probably lost.

Action: Retry the command.

Read error on stdio socket

Source: RPR, RPS, and RPD  Severity: Serious

Explanation: An error occurred while trying to read characters from standard I/O, which would have been written to standard output. The connection was probably lost.

Action: Retry the command.

Select - host failed to connect: <LAN WorkPlace system message>

Source: RPR, RPS, and RPD  Severity: Serious

Explanation: The remote host did not establish a STDERR connection with the workstation. The remote host or the RSH server on the remote host might have failed.

Action: Retry the command.

Socket: All ports in use

Source: RPR, RPS, and RPD  Severity: Serious

Explanation: RPR, RPS, or RPD cannot find a reserved port.

Action: Contact your Novell-authorized reseller.

Socket: <LAN WorkPlace system message>

Source: RPR, RPS, and RPD  Severity: Minor


Socket: <LAN WorkPlace system message>

Source: RPR, RPS, and RPD  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The attempt to allocate a socket for RPR, RPS, or RPD failed. Too many applications might be running, or applications might have aborted without closing their connections.

Action: Stop some applications, or restart your workstation.

Socket: protocol failure in connection setup. Family = n, Port = n

Source: RPR, RPS, and RPD  Severity: Serious
Explanation: Either the remote host is from the wrong Internet family (not AF_INET) or the server on the remote host did not use a reserved port (that is, a port number less than 1024).

Action: Contact your Novell-authorized reseller.

Substitute string for modifier undefined

Source: RPR, RPS, and RPD  Severity: Minor

Explanation: You did not specify a filename on the RPR, RPS, or RPD command line to be used by the %f command-line modifier.

Action: Check your command-line modifier syntax and reenter the command.

Try to connect to remote host: <LAN WorkPlace system message>

Source: RPR, RPS, and RPD   Severity: Serious

Explanation: The attempt to connect to the remote host or to the RSH server on the remote host failed.

Action: Check the status of the remote host and its RSH server.

Usage: ..

Source: RPR, RPS, and RPD   Severity: Minor

Explanation: You specified options incorrectly on the command line. This error message shows the correct command-line format.

Action: Check your command-line syntax and reenter the command.

User abort detected cleaning up and exiting

Source: RPR, RPS, and RPD   Severity: Informative

Explanation: You aborted the RPR command by pressing Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Break. The RPR command may or may not have concluded.

Action: Try the command again. Do not press Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Break while the RPR command is processing.

User Name: Invalid command modifier in configuration file

Source: RPR, RPS, and RPD   Severity: Minor

Explanation: You specified an invalid %u command-line modifier in the PRINT.CFG file.

Action: Correct the command-line syntax in your PRINT.CFG file. For information on working with the PRINT.CFG file, see "Setting Up a Printer Configuration File".

User Name: Substitute string for modifier undefined

Source: RPR, RPS, and RPD   Severity: Minor

Explanation: You did not specify a username on the RPR, RPS, or RPD command line to be used by the %u command-line modifier.

Action: Check your command-line syntax and reenter the command.

Write error on stdio socket: <LAN WorkPlace system message>

Source: RPR, RPS, and RPD   Severity: Serious

Explanation: This error occurred while trying to write characters from standard I/O, which would have been written to standard output. The connection was probably lost.

Action: Retry the command.

Your user name must be in the environment table. ...SET NAME = username

Source: RPR, RPS, and RPD    Severity: Minor

Explanation: You have not given your workstation a name, or your workstation name is different from your login name on the remote host.

Action: Execute the DOS SET NAME command and set your DOS username to be the same as your login name on the remote host.

SMAP Messages

The following error messages can be displayed by SMAP.

ERROR: could not write to output file!

Source: SMAP compiler  Severity: Minor

Explanation: SMAP was unable to write to the compiled mapping file. Your disk might be full.

Action: Check available disk space. Make sure you have room to save the mapping file.

ERROR: (<line number>) a number was not found after the '/'!

Source: SMAP compiler  Severity: Minor

Explanation: Your input text file has a / character followed by a space or other character in the indicated line. The / must be followed immediately by a decimal number.

Action: Correct the line and recompile.

ERROR: (<line number>) A preceding slash is missing before number '<number>'

Source: SMAP compiler  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The / character is missing before the indicated number in the indicated line of the input text file. All numbers in mapping files are decimal and must be preceded immediately by the / character.

Action: Correct the line and recompile.

ERROR: (<line number>) Comma in wrong position, it should separate numbers!

Source: SMAP compiler  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The indicated line in the input text file has a comma before the equal sign or in an incorrect position. Commas are optional in mapping files. If used, they are placed between the two numbers to the right of the equal sign.

Action: Correct the line and recompile.

ERROR: (<line number>) Equals in wrong position, it should follow the first number!

Source: SMAP compiler  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The indicated line in the input text file has an equal sign (=) at the beginning or in an incorrect position. The equal sign must follow the first decimal number.

Action: Correct the line and recompile.

ERROR: (<line number>) Must have two numbers to the right of the equals!

Source: SMAP compiler  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The indicated line in the input text file does not have two numbers following the equal sign. In screen mapping files, the first number is the ASCII character code index and the second number is the remote terminal character code. In scan code mapping files, the first number is unmodified keypress code and the second number is the Alt-modified keypress code.

Action: Correct the line and recompile.

ERROR: (<line number>) Numbers preceding an 'h' must be less than 128!

Source: SMAP compiler  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The indicated line in the input text file includes a number that is 128 or greater followed by `h'. The `h' specifies that the character is from the Special Graphics Character Set and is to be loaded in place of the European characters in the remote terminal's memory. Graphics characters in the Special Graphics set are numbered between 0 and 127, inclusive.

Action: Correct the line and recompile.

ERROR: (<line number>) numbers must be 0 to 255!

Source: SMAP compiler  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The indicated line in the input text file has a number less than 0 or greater than 255. Valid character codes are between 0 and 255 inclusive.

Action: Correct the line and recompile.

ERROR: (<line number>) Too many numbers found on line!

Source: SMAP compiler  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The indicated line in the input text file has more than three decimal numbers.

Action: Correct the line and recompile.

ERROR: (<line number>) Two numbers found before equals sign!

Source: SMAP compiler  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The indicated line in the input text file has more than one number before the equal sign. A single number, the decimal character code index, precedes the equal sign in both types of mapping files.

Action: Correct the line and recompile.

ERROR: (<line number>) Unknown character '<character>' found!

Source: SMAP compiler  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The indicated line in the input text file specifies a character or symbol that is not part of the character set.

Action: Remove the indicated character and recompile.

ERROR: The specified file could not be found! Be sure to include the file extension too!

Source: SMAP compiler  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The input text file you specified could not be found in the current directory or the indicated path.

Action: Check that the file exists. Specify the complete name and extension. If the file is not in the current directory, specify the full path.

ERROR: too many arguments!!

Source: SMAP compiler  Severity: Minor

Explanation: More than one argument was specified on the SMAP command line. SMAP expects a single argument: the name of the text file to compile or the -H or -? option.

Action: Retype the command, specifying a single argument.

ERROR: Unable to create database file!

Source: SMAP compiler  Severity: Minor

Explanation: SMAP.EXE was unable to create the .MAP output file. Your disk might be full.

Action: Check the disk. Make sure it has free space for the compiled output file.

TELAPI Messages

All error messages that can occur when running TELAPI originate from the local workstation. They are listed in alphabetic order and explained in the following section. If other messages are displayed that interrupt your work, contact your Novell-authorized reseller.

TELAPI: already loaded

Source: TELAPI  Severity: Informative

Explanation: You have already loaded TELAPI into your workstation memory. TELAPI does not load a second time.

Action: None required.

TELAPI: cannot unload. A TSR has been loaded after this TSR

Source: TELAPI  Severity: Minor

Explanation: You loaded another terminate and stay resident (TSR) program after you loaded TELAPI.

Action: Unload the TSR, then try to unload TELAPI.

TELAPI: error detected while initializing message file TELAPI.MSG

Source: TELAPI  Severity: Serious

Explanation: TELAPI could not find the TELAPI.MSG file in the directory where TELAPI.EXE was installed.

Action: Reinstall the TELAPI utility to restore this file.

TELAPI: neither TCP/IP nor IPX is loaded

Source: TELAPI  Severity: Informative

Explanation: Neither the TCP/IP nor IPX are loaded. You must load one of these protocols before you load TELAPI.

Action: Either load the TCP/IP protocol for TELNET service, or load the IPX protocol for NVT service.

TELAPI: no free Int 2F slots available

Source: TELAPI  Severity: Serious

Explanation: An Interrupt 2F slot is required for TELAPI and each of the transport services. Other TSR programs use up Interrupt 2F slots when they are loaded.

Action: Unload some of the TSR programs, and try to load TELAPI again.

TELAPI: not loaded

Source: TELAPI  Severity: Minor

Explanation: You attempted to unload TELAPI when it was not loaded.

Action: None.

TELAPI: NVT not loaded - file not found

Source: TELAPI  Severity: Serious

Explanation: TELAPI attempted to load the NVT service executable file, NVTSVC.EXE, but could not find it in the directory where you originally installed TELAPI.EXE.

Action: Reinstall TELAPI so that you restore the NVTSVC.EXE file.

TELAPI: TELAPI_XPORT specifies NVT but IPX is not loaded

Source: TELAPI  Severity: Serious

Explanation: The TELAPI_XPORT environmental variable specifies that you must load IPX protocol before loading TELAPI, but the IPX protocol is not loaded.

Action: Load the IPX protocol, then load TELAPI.

TELAPI: TELAPI_XPORT specifies TELNET but TCP/IP is not loaded

Source: TELAPI  Severity: Serious

Explanation: The TELAPI_XPORT environmental variable specifies that you must load TCP/IP protocol before loading TELAPI, but the TCP/IP protocol is not loaded.

Action: Load the TCP/IP protocol, then load TELAPI.

TELAPI: TELNET not loaded - file not found

Source: TELAPI  Severity: Serious

Explanation: TELAPI attempted to load the TELNET service executable file, TELSVC.EXE, but could not find it in the directory where you originally installed TELAPI.EXE.

Action: Reinstall TELAPI so that you restore the TELSVC.EXE file.

TELAPI: the TCP/IP protocol stack is NOT loaded

Source: TELAPI  Severity: Minor

Explanation: TELAPI cannot run because TCPIP.EXE was not previously run. Normally TCPIP.EXE is run by the LANWP.BAT file when your workstation is started.

Action: Load TCPIP.EXE.

TELAPI: unknown transport service specified by TELAPI_XPORT

Source: TELAPI  Severity: Serious

Explanation: The string associated with the TELAPI_XPORT environmental variable contains information which TELAPI does not understand.

Action: Correct the string associated with the TELAPI_XPORT variable. This variable must contain one of the following strings: NVT TELNET NVT,TELNET TELNET,NVT

TELAPI: unload failed

Source: TELAPI  Severity: Serious

Explanation: Your TELAPI -U command failed. The contents of memory have probably become corrupted.

Action: Restart your workstation.

TELAPI: unloaded due to error

Source: TELAPI  Severity: Serious

Explanation: An error caused TELAPI to unload.

Action: Correct the condition that caused the error, then try to load TELAPI again.

TELAPI: unloaded successfully

Source: TELAPI  Severity: Informative

Explanation: You successfully unloaded TELAPI.

Action: None.

TFTP Messages

When you use the TFTP utility, error messages can originate from either the host running the client program (TFTP) or the host running the server program (TFTPD). The TFTP messages that you are most likely to see are described in alphabetic order in the following section. If you see other messages that interrupt your work, contact your Novell-authorized reseller.

Some of the TFTP error messages refer to LAN WorkPlace system error messages. For more information on these messages, see "LAN WorkPlace System Messages".

Bad request <request code number>

Source: TFTP  Severity: Serious

Explanation: The TFTP protocol received an invalid request.

Action: Contact your Novell-authorized reseller and provide the invalid request code number.

Hostname <hostname> not found

Source: TFTP  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The specified hostname does not exist in the hostname database.

Action: Have your local system administrator update the DNS name server or update the HOSTS file on your workstation.

Input from terminal not allowed

Source: TFTP  Severity: Informative

Explanation: You cannot redirect input from the keyboard to the TFTP command.

Action: No action is necessary. Input is not allowed.

Out of memory

Source: TFTP  Severity: Serious

Explanation: The system has no more memory to process packets.

Action: Contact your Novell-authorized reseller.

Permission error: <permission>

Source: TFTP  Severity: Minor

Explanation: To transfer a file using TFTP, the file must already exist and must be readable by all users. If the file is being written to, it must also be writable by all users.

Action: Check the current permissions and change them if you have the authority.

Read fault

Source: TFTP  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The file specified in the TFTP command does not exist or is not readable by you.

Action: Check your command-line syntax and try the command again.

Receive timeout

Source: TFTP  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The timeout limit has elapsed since the last acknowledge/data packet was received from the client or server.

Action: Determine whether the server program is still running.

Retry count exceeded

Source: TFTP  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The retry limit has been exceeded since the last acknowledge/data packet was received from the client or server.

Action: Determine whether the client and server programs are still running.

Socket error:

Source: TFTP  Severity: Serious

Explanation: The connection to the client returned incorrect information.

Action: Retry the TFTP request. If this error persists, contact your Novell-authorized reseller.

Socket open:

Source: TFTP  Severity: Serious

Explanation: An error occurred in opening a socket to the server. The connection to the client returned incorrect information.

Action: Retry the TFTP command. If this error persists, contact your Novell-authorized reseller.

TFTP error Access violation

Source: TFTP  Severity: Minor. Each of the following messages is unique but, in general, these messages are caused by minor syntax errors.

Explanation: You do not have the proper permissions to transfer the file.

Action: Change the permissions as necessary if you have the authority, or contact the administrator of the remote system.

TFTP error Disk full or allocation exceeded

Source: TFTP  Severity: Minor.

Explanation: The destination system is out of disk space.

Action: Contact the administrator of the destination system.

TFTP error File not found

Source: TFTP  Severity: Minor. Each of the following messages is unique but, in general, these messages are caused by minor syntax errors.

Explanation: The filename you indicated does not exist.

Action: Check the filename and try the command again.

TFTP error Illegal TFTP operation

Source: TFTP  Severity: Minor. Each of the following messages is unique but, in general, these messages are caused by minor syntax errors.

Explanation: You entered the TFTP command incorrectly.

Action: Verify that you are using the correct command-line syntax and retry the TFTP command. If this error persists, contact your Novell-authorized reseller.

Usage: ..

Source: TFTP  Severity: Minor

Explanation: You entered the TFTPD command incorrectly. The message indicates the correct syntax.

Action: Check the syntax and try the command again.

TFTPD Messages

TFTPD can display messages at the workstation when it is loaded. It can also display messages on the remote client's screen. All TFTPD messages are listed in alphabetical order and explained in the following section. If other messages are displayed that interrupt your work, contact your Novell-authorized reseller.

Access violation

Source: TFTPD  Severity: Minor

Explanation: You attempted to access a file on the TFTPD workstation for which you do not have permission.

Action: Have the owner of the workstation change the permissions available to you or the access mode of the file. Try the operation again.

Exceeded max sockets open

Source: TFTPD  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The operation cannot proceed because all allocated sockets are in use.

Action: Close other applications that are using sockets, or increase the tcp_sockets setting in the NET.CFG file to allocate more sockets.

File not found

Source: TFTPD  Severity: Minor

Explanation: To transfer a file using TFTP, the file must already exist on both server and client.

Action: Check that the file is present and you are typing the name correctly.

Illegal TFTP operation

Source: TFTPD  Severity: Serious

Explanation: Your sequence of TFTP commands is not valid.

Action: Retry the operation.

Initial getpack error

Source: TFTPD  Severity: Serious

Explanation: The connection to the client returned incorrect information.

Action: Retry the TFTP request. If this error persists, contact your Novell-authorized reseller.

Invalid cmd line

Source: TFTPD  Severity: Minor

Explanation: Your command line has a syntax error, such as including the -L option without a log filename.

Action: Check your command-line syntax and reenter the command.

Invalid flag

Source: TFTPD  Severity: Minor

Explanation: Your command line contains an option letter that is not recognized by TFTPD.

Action: Check your command-line syntax and reenter the command.

Invalid log file

Source: TFTPD  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The alternate log file you specified either does not exist or is not a valid DOS filename.

Action: Check that the file exists and the filename meets the criteria for DOS filenames.

Invalid port

Source: TFTPD  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The port number you specified for TFTPD to listen on is not within the acceptable range.

Action: Check that you are entering the correct port number.

Out of memory

Source: TFTPD  Severity: Serious

Explanation: Your workstation does not have enough free memory to process the TFTPD command.

Action: Unload any unneeded programs and retry the command.

Permission error:

Source: TFTPD  Severity: Minor

Explanation: Your attempt to access a file for read or write did not succeed because you do not have the necessary permissions. The type explains what permissions were lacking.

Action: Have the owner of the workstation grant you the necessary access permissions.

Socket error:

Source: TFTPD  Severity: Minor

Explanation: An attempt by TFTPD to use a socket resulted in an error. The type explains what error occurred. All available sockets might be in use, or the TCP/IP protocol stack might have become corrupted.

Action: Allocate more sockets in NET.CFG if called for, or restart the workstation.

TNVT220 Messages

All error messages that can occur when you are using the TNVT220 utility originate from the workstation. They are listed in alphabetic order and explained in the following section. If other messages are displayed that interrupt your work, contact your Novell-authorized reseller.

Ambiguous command name specified with the ? or HELP command

Source: TNVT220  Severity: Minor

Explanation: An ambiguous abbreviation of a command name has been specified with the ? or HELP command.

Action: Reenter the command name with enough letters to be specific (for example, SES for SESSIONS, not SE).

Ambiguous command, please be more specific

Source: TNVT220  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The TNVT220 command abbreviation you entered matches another TNVT220 command (for example, SE could be SELECT or SESSIONS).

Action: Reenter the command name with enough letters to be specific (for example, SES for SESSIONS, not SE).

Cannot specify BOTH for SENDEOL

Source: TNVT220  Severity: Minor

Explanation: You cannot specify BOTH with the SENDEOL command or with the -S option of TNVT220. You can only specify CR, LF, or NONE with SENDEOL.

Action: Reenter the SENDEOL command with the following syntax:

SENDEOL { CR | LF | NONE } [ session_ID | hostname ]

Cannot specify NONE for RECVEOL

Source: TNVT220  Severity: Minor

Explanation: You cannot specify NONE with the RECVEOL command or with the -R option of TNVT220. You can only specify CR, LF, or BOTH with RECVEOL.

Action: Reenter the RECVEOL command with the following syntax:

RECVEOL { CR | LF | BOTH } [session_ID | hostname]

Cannot specify RECVEOL in binary mode

Source: TNVT220  Severity: Minor

Explanation: You have specified the -R option with the -C binary option. The -R option cannot be specified with the binary mode option.

Action: Reenter the command with the correct command-line syntax.

Cannot specify SENDEOL in binary mode

Source: TNVT220  Severity: Minor

Explanation: You have specified the -S option with the -C binary option. The -S option cannot be specified with the binary mode option.

Action: Reenter the command with the correct command-line syntax.

Connection refused

Source: TNVT220  Severity: Minor

Explanation: One of the following conditions exists: the remote server is busy, the remote server does not have the proper server software, or the remote server is not available.

Action: If the remote server is busy, try establishing the connection later. If the remote server does not have the proper software, contact the administrator of the remote host. If the remote server is not available, wait until the server is functioning again.

Connection reset by peer

Source: TNVT220  Severity: Minor

Explanation: An error occurred at the remote end of the connection and the remote host detected it.

Action: Contact the administrator of the remote host.

Connection timed out

Source: TNVT220  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The attempt to communicate with the remote host did not succeed. The remote host might have failed or the path to it might have been severed.

Action: Try again later or contact the remote host administrator.

Host is down

Source: TNVT220  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The remote host is not functioning.

Action: Contact the administrator of the remote host.

Hostname missing, entering command processor

Source: TNVT220  Severity: Minor

Explanation: You did not specify a hostname when you entered the TNVT220 command. The TNVT220 command processor has been initiated.

Action: To open a session with a specific host, enter the OPEN command followed by a hostname.

Hostname missing, please reenter the command with a host name

Source: TNVT220  Severity: Minor

Explanation: You did not specify a hostname with the OPEN command.

Action: To open a session with a specific host, enter the OPEN command followed by a hostname.

Invalid command

Source: TNVT220  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The command you entered at the TNVT220 prompt was not valid.

Action: Use the HELP command for a list of valid commands

Invalid command name specified with the ? or HELP command

Source: TNVT220  Severity: Minor

Explanation: An invalid or unsupported command name was specified with the ? or HELP command.

Action: Check for typographical errors.

Invalid option(s) specified with the command

Source: TNVT220  Severity: Minor

Explanation: You have specified one or more invalid options with the TNVT220 command.

Action: For the correct format, enter TNVT220 -H at the DOS prompt.

Invalid or insufficient arguments, please check format

Source: TNVT220  Severity: Minor

Explanation: You typed the command incorrectly.

Action: Enter HELP command_name for the correct format.

Invalid VT220 function keys map file

Source: TNVT220  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The contents of the filename specified with the -F option are not in the correct map file format and cannot be used by TNVT220.

Action: Make sure that the specified file is a valid keyboard-map file.

Keyboard selection failed, file PCTOHOST.MAP not found

Source: TNVT220  Severity: Minor

Explanation: TNVT220 was unable to find file PCTOHOST.MAP in the directory \NET\HSTACC (or other directory specified in the PATH LWP_CFG setting of the NET.CFG file). TNVT220 cannot proceed without this file.

Action: Copy this file from \NET\SAMPLE.

Maximum sessions limit exceeded

Source: TNVT220  Severity: Minor

Explanation: You tried to open more than 10 sessions, the maximum TNVT220 can open.

Action: Close one of your sessions and try again.

Network dropped connection on reset

Source: TNVT220  Severity: Minor

Explanation: Communication to the remote host was interrupted and lost, and the state of any operation that was in progress cannot be determined.

Action: Try the operation again.

Network is down

Source: TNVT220  Severity: Minor

Explanation: Your workstation cannot communicate with the network.

Action: Try again later.

Network is unreachable

Source: TNVT220  Severity: Serious

Explanation: No route to the remote host or the remote network is known.

Action: Contact your Novell-authorized reseller.

No other sessions are currently established

Source: TNVT220  Severity: Informative

Explanation: Your attempt to switch to another session failed because currently you have only one TNVT220 session.

Action: Open up a second session, if needed.

No route to host

Source: TNVT220  Severity: Minor

Explanation: No route exists to the remote host.

Action: Contact the administrator of the remote host.

No sessions are currently established

Source: TNVT220  Severity: Informative

Explanation: Currently, there are no existing TNVT220 sessions.

Action: Open a session if needed.

Not sufficient privilege for operation

Source: TNVT220  Severity: Informative

Explanation: You attempted an operation for which you do not have the proper permissions.

Action: Check with your system administrator about getting the necessary permissions.

Permission denied

Source: TNVT220  Severity: Informative

Explanation: You attempted an operation for which you do not have the proper permissions.

Action: Check with your system administrator about getting the necessary permissions.

Software caused connection abort

Source: TNVT220  Severity: Serious

Explanation: An error occurred at the remote end of the connection and your workstation detected it.

Action: Check with the administrator of the remote system.

The name is not unique, please use session id

Source: TNVT220  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The hostname specified with the command is ambiguous, or you have more than one session to the same host.

Action: Use the session ID number to identify the target host. The SESSIONS command displays ID numbers for all open sessions.

The specified session does not exist

Source: TNVT220  Severity: Minor

Explanation: You have specified a nonexistent session ID with a TNVT220 command.

Action: Enter the SESSIONS command to list the IDs of open sessions.

The TCP/IP protocol stack is NOT loaded.

Source: TNVT220  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The TCP/IP Transport software driver, TCPIP.EXE, has not been run. Normally this driver is run from the LANWP.BAT file.

Action: Check the LANWP.BAT file to make sure it loads TCPIP.EXE. Type LANWP to load the networking software.

There is no session to the specified host

Source: TNVT220  Severity: Minor

Explanation: A hostname for which no session is open has been specified with a TNVT220 command.

Action: Enter the SESSIONS command to list the currently open sessions.

Too many arguments specified with the command

Source: TNVT220  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The number of command arguments you typed exceeds the maximum number of arguments that can be specified with the command.

Action: Check your command-line syntax and reenter the command.

Unable to find VT220 function keys map file ''

Source: TNVT220  Severity: Minor

Explanation: TNVT220 was unable to find the file specified with the -F option.

Action: Check for path name or filename errors.

Unable to find VT220 function keys map file '' Default keyboard mapping will be used

Source: TNVT220  Severity: Minor

Explanation: TNVT220 was unable to find the keyboard map file EXTMAP.BIN. Instead, TNVT220 uses a built-in function-key mapping table. The mapping defined by this mapping table is the same as that defined by the original EXTMAP.BIN file from Novell. The file EXTMAP.BIN is normally located in the \NET\HSTACC directory or in a directory specified by the PATH LWP_CFG setting in the NET.CFG file.

Action: Make sure the PATH LWP_CFG setting in the NET.CFG file includes the directory containing EXTMAP.BIN. Use KEY220 to create a new mapping file or use the default file.

Unable to load character set; file HOSTTOPC.MAP not found

Source: TNVT220  Severity: Minor

Explanation: TNVT220 was unable to find file HOSTTOPC.MAP in a directory specified in the PATH LWP_CFG setting of the NET.CFG file or the \NET\HSTACC directory. TNVT220 cannot proceed without this file.

Action: Copy the sample HOSTTOPC.MAP file from directory \NET\SAMPLE or create a new mapping file.

Unable to open a new session

Source: TNVT220  Severity: Minor

Explanation: An error occurred while trying to open a new session. TNVT220 could not establish the requested session.

Action: Check the hostname or IP address and reenter the command. If this error persists, contact the administrator of the remote host.

Unable to restore the session screen

Source: TNVT220  Severity: Serious

Explanation: The screen of the resumed session cannot be restored because the session screen file has been erased either by the user or another program.

Action: Use the Setup Directory (press Alt+S) to reselect your session options.

Unable to resume the specified session

Source: TNVT220  Severity: Serious

Explanation: TNVT220 cannot resume the specified session because of a system failure.

Action: Contact the administrator of the remote host.

Unknown host

Source: TNVT220  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The host you specified is not in the host table of the DNS name server (if you have a name server on your network) or in the HOSTS file on your workstation.

Action: Ask you local system administrator to add this host to the host table on the DNS name server, or add it to the HOSTS file on your workstation.

TSU Messages

The following error messages can be displayed by TSU.

Attach COM port failed

Source: TSU  Severity: Minor

Explanation: Your attempt to connect to the COM port did not succeed.

Action: Try to close and reopen the session. If the message repeats, restart your workstation.

Cannot unload TELAPI within Desqview

Source: TSU  Severity: Minor

Explanation: While you are running DESQview*, TSU does not acknowledge requests to unload TELAPI.

Action: Exit from DESQview, then unload TELAPI.

Cannot unload TELAPI within Windows 386

Source: TSU  Severity: Minor

Explanation: While you are running MS Windows in 386 enhanced mode, TSU does not acknowledge requests to unload TELAPI.

Action: Exit from MS Windows, then unload TELAPI.

Close session failed

Source: TSU  Severity: Serious

Explanation: Your attempt to close a session was unsuccessful.

Action: Try the close again. If the message repeats, restart your workstation.

Connection attempt failed

Source: TSU  Severity: Serious

Explanation: Your attempt to make a connection was unsuccessful.

Action: Retry the operation. If the message repeats, restart your workstation.

Connection attempt failed - all 10 sessions have been fully used

Source: TSU  Severity: Minor

Explanation: Your connection attempt was unsuccessful. TELAPI allows a maximum of 10 simultaneous sessions.

Action: Close one of the open sessions and retry the operation.

Connection attempt failed - All default sessions in use

Source: TSU  Severity: Minor

Explanation: Your connection attempt was unsuccessful because all of the sessions allocated when TELAPI was loaded are in use.

Action: Close one of the open sessions, or unload TELAPI and reload it with more sessions allocated.

Connection attempt failed - host unknown

Source: TSU  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The hostname you specified is not known to the DNS server on your network, if you have one, and is not listed in your HOSTS file.

Action: Add the hostname to your HOSTS file or the tables on the DNS name server, or specify the IP address to the TSU command.

Network is unreachable

Source: TSU  Severity: Serious

Explanation: There is no known route to the remote host.

Action: Contact the network administrator.

No hostname specified

Source: TSU  Severity: Minor

Explanation: In your request to open a session, you did not specify a remote host to which to connect.

Action: Retry the operation, specifying a hostname or IP address.

No open session!

Source: TSU  Severity: Informative.

Explanation: You tried to close the open session, but no sessions are open.

Action: None required.

Sessions can't be closed, reset sessions failed

Source: TSU  Severity: Serious

Explanation: TSU was unable to close sessions.

Action: Try the close operation again. If the message repeats, restart your workstation.

TELAPI is not loaded!

Source: TSU  Severity: Minor

Explanation: TSU requires TELAPI.EXE to be running before it can be used.

Action: Load TELAPI.EXE

The connection attempt timed out

Source: TSU  Severity: Serious

Explanation: The remote host did not respond within the allotted interval.

Action: Check that the remote host is up and running and responding to requests. Retry the operation.

The connection attempt was refused

Source: TSU  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The remote host did not accept the connection. The host might not have resources available, or might not be running a TELNET server.

Action: Check that the remote host is running a TELNET server and has resources available to accept another connection. Retry the operation.

This COM port is already in use

Source: TSU  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The port you requested is busy.

Action: Repeat the request specifying an unused COM n: port, or free the busy port.

XPC Messages

The following error messages can be displayed by XPC.

Cannot load emulator, Xhosts not enabled or connection corrupted

Source: LAN WorkPlace: XPC  Severity: Minor

Explanation: For an X-terminal, this error occurs when Xhosts is not enabled for the XPC workstation (XPC does not have permission to open a window on the X-terminal). For other terminal types, this message indicates that the connection has become corrupted.

Action: For an X-terminal, try the command:

xhost workstation <Enter>

Replace workstation with the name or IP address of the workstation. For other terminal types, and for X-terminals where the xhost command does not enable the connection, unload XPC from the workstation (XPC -U command) and restart XPC.

ERROR: Incorrect Command line option!

Source: LAN WorkPlace: XPC  Severity: Minor

Explanation: Your XPC command line included a - or / character without a valid command-line option.

Action: Check your command syntax and retype the command.

Fonts in 'fonts.txt' are not present on this X terminal!

Source: LAN WorkPlace: XPC  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The fonts specified in the FONTS.TXT file on the workstation are not available on the remote X-terminal that is trying to connect to the XPC workstation. FONTS.TXT is located in the current directory or in a directory specified by the PATH LWP_CFG setting in your NET.CFG file. The default location for this file is \NET\HSTACC.

Action: Edit the FONTS.TXT file. Add the names of the fonts available on the remote X-terminal to the end of the file.

Fonts.txt file could not be found!

Source: LAN WorkPlace: XPC  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The file FONTS.TXT could not be found in the current directory or in a directory specified by the PATH LWP_CFG setting in your NET.CFG file. The default location for this file is \NET\HSTACC.

Action: Check the path. Make sure FONTS.TXT is present.

Invalid password

Source: LAN WorkPlace: XPC  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The password you entered from the remote terminal does not match the password entered from the workstation running XPC.

Action: Check that you have the right password.

prompts.txt file could not be found!

Source: LAN WorkPlace: XPC  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The file PROMPTS.TXT could not be found in the current directory or in a directory specified by the PATH LWP_CFG setting in your NET.CFG file. The default location for this file is \NET\HSTACC.

Action: Check the path. Make sure PROMPTS.TXT is present.

scancode.txt file could not be found!

Source: LAN WorkPlace: XPC  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The file SCANCODE.TXT could not be found in the current directory or in a directory specified by the PATH LWP_CFG setting in your NET.CFG file. The default location for this file is \NET\HSTACC.

Action: Check the path. Make sure SCANCODE.TXT is present.

Session setup failed, check terminal type

Source: LAN WorkPlace: XPC  Severity: Minor

Explanation: Your responses to the XPC prompts for setup information were incorrect. The terminal type you specified might not match your hardware.

Action: Check your answers to the prompts. Restart XPC and retry the operation.

Sorry, XPC is busy with another Session

Source: LAN WorkPlace: XPC  Severity: Informative

Explanation: XPC is unable to open a new session because it is busy with another type of connection. XPC can accept multiple VT100/VT220 connections, but it cannot accept more than one X-terminal connection or both X-terminal and VT100/VT220 connections simultaneously.

Action: Close the existing connections, or try again later.

XPC is already loaded

Source: LAN WorkPlace: XPC  Severity: Informative

Explanation: You tried to run the XPC program when it is already running. The message tells you that this second attempt to load XPC did not succeed.

Action: None required. XPC is already running and ready to use.

LAN WorkPlace System Messages

Some of the error messages returned by the LAN WorkPlace for DOS utilities refer to LAN WorkPlace system error messages. The following section lists these messages in alphabetic order and explains them.

Address already in use

Source: LAN WorkPlace  Severity: Minor

Explanation: Multiple servers of the same type (such as FTPD) are running concurrently using the same network port.

Action: Press Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Break to close FTPD. Close any other FTP servers running on your workstation.

Address family not supported by protocol family

Source: LAN WorkPlace  Severity: Serious

Explanation: The network module does not support a protocol required by an application.

Action: Address a different server. If the protocol is not supported, you cannot communicate. Reevaluate what you are attempting to do.

Arg list too long

Source: LAN WorkPlace  Severity: Minor

Explanation: Too many arguments were specified with the function, or your environment table is too small.

Action: Try the command again with fewer arguments.

Argument too large

Source: LAN WorkPlace  Severity: Minor

Explanation: A numeric argument outside the valid range was specified.

Action: Enter the command again with a valid argument.

Bad file number

Source: LAN WorkPlace  Severity: Minor

Explanation: You tried to write to a read-only drive, or tried to close a nonexistent socket or session.

Action: Verify your command-line syntax and enter the command again.

Block device required

Source: LAN WorkPlace  Severity: Serious

Explanation: The operation requires a disk device.

Action: Contact your system administrator.

Cannot assign requested address

Source: LAN WorkPlace  Severity: Minor

Explanation: An invalid network number might have been specified in a socket request.

Action: Verify the address and try again.

Cannot send after socket shutdown

Source: LAN WorkPlace  Severity: Minor

Explanation: An application attempted to read from or write to a socket that has been closed.

Action: Contact your system administrator.

Connection refused

Source: LAN WorkPlace  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The remote host did not accept your connection request. This typically means that the remote host is not running the server required by the application.

Action: Contact the remote host administrator about running the needed application.

Connection reset by peer

Source: LAN WorkPlace  Severity: Minor

Explanation: Either the remote host committed a protocol error, or the protocol software on the remote host was terminated.

Action: Retry the command.

Connection timed out

Source: LAN WorkPlace  Severity: Serious

Explanation: No response was received from the remote host. Either the remote system is not functioning, or there is an addressing problem.

Action: Contact the system administrator of the remote host.

Cross-device link

Source: LAN WorkPlace  Severity: Serious

Explanation: The program tried to rename a file to another disk device.

Action: Evaluate your configuration and try the command again.

Data lost in lower layer

Source: LAN WorkPlace  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The lower-layer networking software lost or corrupted data.

Action: Retry the command.

Destination address required

Source: LAN WorkPlace  Severity: Minor

Explanation: No destination address was specified with a send or write operation.

Action: Reenter the command with a destination address.

Directory not created

Source: LAN WorkPlace  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The directory specified in the command was not created, either because the command does not allow you to create directories or because the file system prevented it.

Action: Verify the syntax of your command and try again.

Directory not removed

Source: LAN WorkPlace  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The directory specified in the command was not deleted either because the command does not allow you to delete directories or because the file system prevented it.

Action: Check your command-line syntax and try again.

End of file encountered

Source: LAN WorkPlace  Severity: Minor

Explanation: An end-of-file character was encountered unexpectedly.

Action: Check your command-line syntax and try again.

Exec format error

Source: LAN WorkPlace  Severity: Minor

Explanation: You tried to run a nonexecutable file or an executable file that is corrupted.

Action: Check that you are calling an executable file and try the command again.

File exists

Source: LAN WorkPlace  Severity: Minor

Explanation: (1) A file to be created already exists. (2) An attempt was made to delete the entry for the default gateway.

Action: Check the command-line parameters and try again.

File name expansion yielded wrong number of arguments

Source: LAN WorkPlace  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The filename you specified using a wildcard character expanded into more than one filename.

Action: Check your command-line syntax and try again.

File name too long

Source: LAN WorkPlace  Severity: Minor

Explanation: You specified an invalid DOS filename.

Action: Check the filename and try again.

File table overflow

Source: LAN WorkPlace  Severity: Serious

Explanation: This is an internal software error.

Action: If this error occurs, reinstall your software or contact your Novell-authorized reseller.

File too large

Source: LAN WorkPlace  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The file size is greater than the disk allows.

Action: Try dividing the file into several smaller files. Delete unnecessary files to make more room.

Host is down

Source: LAN WorkPlace  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The remote host is inaccessible. Either it is turned off, or TCP/IP protocol software is not running or allowing you to connect to the host.

Action: Try the command again later.

Illegal seek

Source: LAN WorkPlace  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The application expected the file to be a certain length or have a certain format, and this was not the case.

Action: Check the syntax of your command-line parameters and try the command again.

Interrupted system call

Source: LAN WorkPlace  Severity: Informative

Explanation: You pressed Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Break and stopped a network operation.

Action: Reenter the appropriate command, if necessary.

Invalid argument

Source: LAN WorkPlace  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The I/O request, command-line, or application command contained an invalid argument.

Action: Check your command-line parameters and reenter the command.

Invalid file name format

Source: LAN WorkPlace  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The filename specified either was a reserved name for a DOS device or contained invalid characters.

Action: Reenter the command with a valid filename.

I/O error

Source: LAN WorkPlace  Severity: Serious

Explanation: A general I/O failure occurred.

Action: Retry the command.

Is a directory

Source: LAN WorkPlace  Severity: Minor

Explanation: Either the filename you specified was not a file, or you omitted the -R option (recursive operation) with the FTP or RCP command.

Action: If you submitted an erroneous filename, reenter the command with a valid filename. If you need to specify the -R option, reenter the FTP or RCP command with that option.

Message too long

Source: LAN WorkPlace  Severity: Serious

Explanation: The datagram sent is larger than allowed by the TCP/IP software (for UDP and raw sockets).

Action: Divide the message into smaller parts and try the command again.

Mount device busy

Source: LAN WorkPlace  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The device the program tried to access was temporarily unavailable.

Action: Try the command again later.

Network dropped connection on reset

Source: LAN WorkPlace  Severity: Serious

Explanation: Either the remote host committed a protocol error, or the protocol software on the remote host was terminated.

Action: Use the PING command to verify whether the remote host is up. Retry the command if the remote host responds.

Network is down

Source: LAN WorkPlace  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The network is not functioning.

Action: Contact the network administrator.

Network is unreachable

Source: LAN WorkPlace  Severity: Minor

Explanation: A connect or send request has been given, but there is no known route to the remote host.

Action: Contact the network administrator.

No buffer space available

Source: LAN WorkPlace  Severity: Minor

Explanation: Insufficient memory is available for the application.

Action: Check the NET.CFG file and available memory. You might have to reconfigure or restart your workstation to run this command.

No route to host

Source: LAN WorkPlace  Severity: Minor

Explanation: There is no route to the specified host. This can occur if there is no entry in the routing table for the remote host or for the remote network, if the gateway to the remote network is inactive, or if the remote network is inactive.

Action: Make sure you have an entry in the routing table for the remote host or for the remote network, that the gateway to the remote network is active, and that the remote network is active. Try the command again.

No space left on device

Source: LAN WorkPlace  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The disk is full.

Action: Take the necessary action to provide sufficient disk space.

No such device

Source: LAN WorkPlace  Severity: Minor

Explanation: A device specified does not exist.

Action: Check the name and status of the device and try the command again.

No such file or directory

Source: LAN WorkPlace  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The file or directory specified does not exist.

Action: Check the name of the file or directory and enter the command again.

No such process

Source: LAN WorkPlace  Severity: Serious

Explanation: This message might indicate that no gateway was found in the routing table.

Action: Check your configuration and try the command again. If this error persists, contact your Novell-authorized reseller.

Not a directory

Source: LAN WorkPlace  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The program required a directory for the operation, but the name specified was not a directory.

Action: Check the name of the directory and try the command again.

Operation already in progress

Source: LAN WorkPlace  Severity: Minor

Explanation: An attempt was made to close the same connection twice or to close a connection that was in the process of being closed (TCP).

Action: Verify your command-line parameters and enter the command again if necessary.

Operation now in progress

Source: LAN WorkPlace  Severity: Minor

Explanation: This message is returned by connect and close requests when nonblocking I/O has been set.

Action: With a connect request, try the request again. With a close request, the socket is eventually closed; no further action is required.

Operation would block

Source: LAN WorkPlace  Severity: Serious

Explanation: An I/O operation that would normally have blocked (such as receive, send, or accept) cannot block.

Action: Check your configuration and try the command again. If this error persists, contact your Novell-authorized reseller.

Permission denied

Source: LAN WorkPlace  Severity: Minor

Explanation: You do not have privileges required to perform the operation. Typically, the permission setting for a file does not allow the specified access.

Action: Check with your system administrator about obtaining the necessary permissions.

Position in file unknown

Source: LAN WorkPlace  Severity: Minor

Explanation: The file being accessed by an application changed before the application finished using it.

Action: Exit the application and try the process again.

Protocol family not supported

Source: LAN WorkPlace  Severity: Serious

Explanation: The network module does not support a required protocol for an application.

Action: Check with your system administrator or with your Novell-authorized reseller.

Protocol not available

Source: LAN WorkPlace  Severity: Serious

Explanation: The network module does not support a required protocol for an application.

Action: Check with your system administrator or with your Novell-authorized reseller.



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Contents:    Contents and Introduction