Somewhere between Outlook XP and Outlook 2007, Microsoft changed something and now Slashdot daily emails are often truncated, almost uniformly right in the middle of the most interesting story.
I can't live without my daily Slashdot, so I spent considerable time searching for a solution on the internet, but found none. I chalk this up to the fact that I am the only Slashdot reader using Outlook rather than PINE.
I got so desperate that I even opened a $100 paid support incident with Microsoft in hopes that they could help me. After about 20 emails back and forth over the course of several months, the helpful MS people acknowledged the bug and promised a fix someday. That was almost 2 years ago. At least I turned one MS person on to Slashdot in the process, so god's work was done.
Finally I tried a paid question on JustAsk, but still no joy.
Becoming more desperate and increasingly isolated and ignorant, I set out to solve the problem myself.
Here is the solution I came up with.
Sub FixSlashDotMail(mailitem As mailitem) Dim NewMail As mailitem Set NewMail = mailitem.Copy NewMail.BodyFormat = olFormatHTML NewMail.HTMLBody = Replace(mailitem.HTMLBody, "<FONT SIZE=2>", "<FONT face=courier SIZE=3>") NewMail.Save mailitem.Delete End Sub
Now Outlook will automatically run the FixSlashdot script on each slashdot email the instant it arrives in your inbox. Basically all the script does is to tell Outlook to display the email as HTML rather than plaintext. Apparently the Outlook HTML rendering engine is more forgiving than the plaintext one. The "replace" just sets the font to courier because Slashdot emails just don't look right unless they are in a fixed point font. You can change the font or size here to anything you want as long as it is in keeping with the Slashdot aesthetic (no hevetica).
"You don’t know how much pain and anger you’ve saved me.
Thank you."
-Michael Nielson, Student
"Like you, Slashdot is an important part of my day.
I'm glad to have it back!"
-Clif Kussmaul, PhD
"Just wanted to say thanks for the fix. Worked like a
charm. Not having my slahdot emails fully intact was driving me crazy."
-Jeff Willard – IT
If you have any questions or suggestions, you can reach me at...
8/27/08 - Initial Upload.
8/31/08 - Added "Item.Save" at the end of the
9/22/08 - Added the line to change the font to courier because, well,
there is just something wrong about reading Slashdot in a kerned font.
11/17/08 - Fixed the formatting of the code so it is easier to cut and paste.
Removed the "" from the code because it is unnecessary.
11/24/08 - Added the Item.Save back in because it really is necessary. Sorry.
2/5/2009 - Added testimonials section and better info on changing the font.
1/10/2010 - Updated the code to create a new message and delete the existing
one, rather than changing the existing one. I think Outlook likes this better.